
First and last drop of SNFT Project,

NFTs holders will be eligible for:

Access to exclusive services by verifying NFT ownership

Claim SP Token (30 SP/NFT): Explorer

30% of the total supply, 300.000 SP / 10.000 SPD NFT Holders.

80% of the funds will be added to liquidity and locked for 3 years.

Tape: ERC721

Name: SP NFT Drop

Symbol: SPD

Total Supply: 10.000

Contract: 0x9D499e9de2e8937330055a52952b703F254252ea

Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/sp-drop

Max 500 mints per wallet

Price: 10 MATIC

Mint is now Live

Official MINT Page: https://snft.pro/drop

Last updated