SNFT Token S


SNFT is ERC-20 standard Fungible Token, focused on Gas Saving transactions.

Deployed on Vanilla Smart Contract, It has all the Standard methods of ERC-20 specification

ERC-20 COMPLIANT: Compatible with any ERC-20 Standard wallet

Total supply: Total number of tokens in existence

Balance: Gets the balance of the specified address

Transfer: Send an amount tokens from and to specific addresses

Approve: Authorize an address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of the owner.

Allowance: Check the number of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.

Transfer from: Spend tokens that were previously approved by the owner.

SNFT Token use case

S is our official ERC20 Token used by free mint collection, There you can sell NFTs for it, and buy NFTs with it,

24% of the total supply (6.000.000 S) will be distributed to the first 20k users, to use the platform and take profits,

We will launch an Airdrop when the platform is launched, with a maximum number mentioned.

When the event ends, if not all the tokens are distributed, the rest will be distributed through the events on platform

For example: highest monthly sales collection, best NFT of the month, best artist of the month, buy some special NFTs

If you do not get S tokens from airdrop, the only way is to create an NFTs and offer it for sale in SNFT platform ,

then invite your friends to buy it, we will buy some special ones as we mentioned,

It is not offered for sale on the exchanges and will not be Listed by us, we have put the 48% of the total supply

(12.000.000 S) in liquidity with the second Token SP (SP = 1000 S ) , and This does not mean that it is of no value,

SP will be available on exchanges,

we will support its listing and put liquidity for it with USDT as we will explain in the following.

Token details

Smart Contract : 0x81773cFEA4f68216c4F20BDaaAAE8F73e7b16DF9

Version : 0.8.16

Name: SNFT

symbol: S

Decimals: 18

Total Supply: 25.000.000

Wallet: web wallet


24% Airdrops 6.000.000 S / first 20.000 subscribers

24% Stakes 6.000.000 S "locked"

48% Liquidity S/SP 12.000.000 S "locked"

4% Team 1.000.000 S

Last updated