
SNFT is a decentralized platform that provides services to users, projects and artists


create free NFTs, sell and trade them on our platform and other marketplaces

All necessary functions to manage your NFTs, you can use the platform in all NFTs services, Mint, sell, trade, and more, all for free and without limits

Make Money Using our Super ERC20 Token S or stake them to get more


In continuation of providing services to NFT enthusiasts, and since one of our most important goals is to help emerging projects, we launched this multi-advantage service, Which allows all projects and creators to present their artwork to all users, on multiple networks, and at very cheap prices. All services are secured by blockchain technology and all work on-chain without any risks.

Smart Tools

This service allows anyone to deploy smart contracts of different types on 7 networks By himself, without the need to know codes with just a few clicks, and hosting it on our platform.

Our Goals

Building an integrated platform, simple and easy to use, for the average user, with all NFT’s management services available.

creating a real arts platform that supports art and artists, with NFT’s wonderful technology.

Mixing financial services represented by S ERC20 Token with technical and creative services represented by NFTs ERC721 Token.

Giving users complete freedom to use the platform without financial or time restrictions, or complicated requirements.

Let us explain to you how the platform and all services work.

For Business

Host a web wallet for your existing or new tokens

Host staking plans for your token with your terms (Audit)

Drop your NFT projects (Audit)

Lunch your own collection with your own ERC20 Token (Audit)

Last updated